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How we employ people and manage your staff

We offer different engagement models between a client company and Jade Business Solutions. Understanding these differences is crucial for your decision-making or strategizing the allocation of human resources and managing your expectations.

  1. Employees on Record:

    • This model involves individuals legally employed by Jade Business Solutions but working exclusively for you as our client company.
    • Jade Business Solutions handles all employment-related responsibilities, such as payroll, taxes, benefits, and compliance with local employment laws. This is particularly relevant in a cross-national setup like ours with most clients.
    • Your company controls the work assignments, performance management, and day-to-day activities of these employees.
    • This model offers flexibility and control for you as the client company, allowing you to extend your workforce without the complexities of direct employment.

  2. Managed Services:

    • In this model, Jade Business Solutions delivers predefined services to you under a contract.
    • Jade Business Solutions has complete control over the employees, processes, and technologies used to deliver these services. They are responsible for the outcome of the services, not just providing resources.
    • As the client company, you will pay for the services rendered, usually under a fixed price or a retainer model, rather than for the individual employees.
    • This approach is more about outsourcing entire business functions or processes. It requires less day-to-day oversight from you as the client company, as Jade Business Solutions is responsible for managing the performance and output of the team.


Key Differences:

  • Control and Oversight: With employees on record, your company has more direct control over the individuals and their work. Jade Business Solutions has more control over how the service is delivered in managed services.
  • Risk and Responsibility: Managed services transfer more operational risk and responsibility to Jade Business Solutions, as we are accountable for the outcomes. In contrast, the employees-on-record model places more operational control—and thus risk—on you as the client.
  • Flexibility: Employees on record offer more flexibility in scaling the workforce up or down based on the client's needs. Managed services are generally more structured with specific deliverables and timelines.
  • Cost Implications: The cost structure can also differ, with managed services often involving more predictable, fixed costs, whereas the cost of employees on record can vary based on headcount and other employment-related factors.

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