Proudly Filipino

Jade Business Solutions takes immense pride in being a Filipino outsourcing business, passionately committed to providing exceptional services to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) globally. Our roots in the Philippines, Germany, and Australia give us a unique advantage in understanding the diverse needs of businesses worldwide while offering cost-effective solutions without compromising on quality. With a talented team of skilled professionals, we bring unparalleled expertise, dedication, and cultural awareness to the table, ensuring seamless communication and unmatched results for our valued clients. As a proud Filipino company, we are driven by innovation, efficiency, and excellence, making us the trusted partner for SMEs seeking reliable and customized outsourcing solutions.

We are differentiating ourselves from the competition through various key factors:

Service Models
We offer different engagement models, and understand these differences are crucial for decision-making, especially when strategizing the allocation of human resources and managing client expectations.
Employees on Record
Individuals are legally employed by us but work exclusively for our client company. We handle all employment-related responsibilities, such as payroll, taxes, benefits, and compliance with local employment laws.
Managed Services
We deliver predefined services to our client company under a contract. We have complete control over the employees, processes, and technologies used to deliver these services.
Quality and Performance
Delivering consistently high-quality services and exceptional performance. This includes meeting or exceeding service level agreements (SLAs)
Domain Expertise
We specialize in specific industries and functions and provide superior value to clients.
Technological Capabilities
We are leveraging advanced technologies and digital transformation initiatives by implementing artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and data analytics to enhance process efficiency, accuracy, and scalability.
Scalability and Flexibility
Our ability to scale operations quickly and adapt to changing client needs is crucial. We have the infrastructure, resources, and processes in place to handle both volume fluctuations and new requirements
Security and Compliance
We prioritize security and compliance and invest in state-of-the-art security protocols, employee training, and regular audits and provide clients with peace of mind.
Continuous Improvement
We consistently enhance processes, optimize efficiency, and drive innovation, and propel ahead of our competition.


We built a strong reputation, attract and retain clients, and differentiate our clients in a globally competitive market.

Clients in 2023
Employees on record
Countries Represented
Financial transactions per day

Our Clients about

Read what current clients have to say about their experience with Jade Business Solutions.

"I have been working with Jade Business Solutions for the past year, and I must say they have been a game-changer for our financial services operations. Their team of highly skilled professionals has brought exceptional expertise and efficiency to our accounting and financial reporting processes. Their in-depth understanding of Australian financial regulations and tax laws has been invaluable in ensuring compliance and accuracy in our financial statements.

Anna Octasio CFO, A1 Traffic Management, Austraila

Jade Business Solutions played a crucial role in helping us make informed business decisions by providing accurate and insightful financial reports and analysis. Their ability to quickly understand our business needs and adapt to our changing requirements has been impressive. They have consistently delivered high-quality work within tight deadlines, ensuring we have the information we need to drive our business forward - fast!

Lynn Williams Managing Director, Custom Electronics, Los Angeles, US

Job Opportunities

Job Opportunities at Jade Business Solutions